Meaning of not holding your hand

Meaning of not holding your hand

This is a sign that something is wrong in your relationship, your partner hides a feeling that he does not want you to know, find out what it is about.

There are attitudes that let you know if your partner is madly in love with you or that their love has escaped through the window, with the meaning of not holding your hand , it is a sign of problems.

The gestures and words of love are essential in a relationship, it should not be taken for granted that your partner already knows the love you have for him, you should always remind him, this is the meaning that he does not take you by the hand .

The meaning that he does not take you by the hand , brings with it something negative within the relationship, as it is a sign of problems or that love is fading from his side, it will be better that you take action on the matter and know what it is. what’s going on.

Hold hands
If he does not take you by the hand it is because he feels that he is invading your space. Photo: Freepik.

If your partner no longer holds your hand, it means that he no longer feels the same as when they started dating, now he no longer feels interest in giving you a loving caress, much less will you hear him say nice things.

When he no longer holds your hand, it means that something is happening in him, his feelings have been stirred and he does not know what he really feels for you or what he does by your side, he does not find meaning in their relationship .

If he no longer holds your hand, it can also mean a sign of infidelity, because he does not want anyone to see them together or imagine that they are a couple, that is why he wants to avoid that contact, he does not know how to tell you that he no longer wants anything with you.

Although not everything should be negative, because if he does not take you by the hand, it may be because your partner is shy and does not want to invade your space or that you feel harassed, that is why he prefers to avoid contact.

If you are just starting to go out with this person, that may be the reason why he does not want to hold your hand, because he is afraid of how you are going to react, he does not know if by stroking your hand you may feel harassed or disturbed.

To avoid these misunderstandings or theories in your head, it is best to talk with your partner and tell him what you would like to receive from him, what actions are beautiful for you and what you expect from this relationship.

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