Mercy Message From Your Guardian Angel May 28

Mercy Message From Your Guardian Angel May 28

Your guardian angel has a message to give you, here we share it and remember that they take care of you in the middle of the dark, you just have to learn to listen to them and understand their signals.

Today will be a Friday full of challenges in which you will have to reflect on the path traveled and make changes that you consider necessary for your well-being, listen to the message of mercy from your guardian angel today, May 28, 2021 and pay attention to the signs that I send you, it can manifest itself in many ways, light a white candle on your altar.

Hope, peace and a lot of strength to move forward, are the things that should accompany you on this May 28, 2021, know the message of mercy from your guardian angel today May 28, 2021 and let yourself be guided by the right path, remember that these winged beings protect you from danger, but you must learn to listen to them.

Fill yourself with good vibes and let yourself be enlightened by your guardian angel, that protector who is in charge of taking care of you as you pass through the Earth and keeping you away from all the places and people who want to destroy you, the one who will open the way for you to be happy with those you love and achieve each of the things they propose to you, as long as they go according to the plans that God has for you.

Guardian angel
Message of mercy from your guardian angel today, May 28. Photo: Pexels.

Archangel Samael of ARIES: The special message of your guardian angel tells you that this weekend you should order your mind and establish priorities, only in this way can you begin to move towards your goals, just listen to your heart and put it in accordance with your mind.

Angel Hamabiel of TAURUS: The special message of your guardian angel asks you to light a white candle and asks that this weekend God keep you with health, work and with your family united, that he keeps you away from all the dangers that exist and shut up the gossip that surrounds you.

Ángel Ambriel de GÉMINIS: The special message of your guardian angel: It is time for you to leave your grudges behind, prepare to live a Friday full of emotions, because someone who hurt you will look for you to ask for your forgiveness, you just have to accept their apologies .

Ángel Muriel de CÁNCER: The special message of your guardian angel: You will continue to be too sentimental, but do not feel ashamed about it, on the contrary, hug your family, your friends, remember that you are here today and tomorrow life can change completely So don’t shut up your feelings

Archangel Michael de LEO: The special message of your guardian angel: Your archangel knows very well each of the things that afflict you and also knows the projects you have in mind to improve yourself, if you want everything to go well, do not go out of your house without first asking for their protection and lighting a white candle.

Archangel Raphael of VIRGO: The special message of your guardian angel tells you to be more grateful, the fact of waking up one more day is already a blessing, so put on all the good attitude, it infects those you have with joy around you.

Archangel Samael of LIBRA: The special message of your guardian angel tells you to pray the prayer that corresponds to your winged being and asks for it to give you its protection on this Friday, it will have to manifest itself either in your dreams or in some way that You will notice it to give you the guide of life.

Angel Azrael from SCORPIO: The special message from your guardian angel tells you that today you must seek peace from within, at 12 noon go to your garden, spread a blanket, lie down and close your eyes, think about it. that you need to change to achieve well-being and be happy.

Ángel Zadquiel de SAGITARIO: The special message of your guardian angel tells you to be kind to the people you meet, you do not know what they are going through or the battle they are fighting, so put a good face on all the people who find on your way.

Angel Cassiel of CAPRICORN: The special message of your guardian angel tells you that there will be several changes in your life, just have faith and trust that each change is for the better, let some people leave your side, you will understand later why.

Angel Uriel of AQUARIUS: The special message of your guardian angel asks you to speak up front and with your heart in your hand, do not throw more resentment, more words of hatred, just forgive, move forward with a firm step and let your acts speak for you.

Angel Azariel de PISCES : The special message of your guardian angel tells you that a sign will surprise you, but for you to be able to perceive it, you must lift your spirit, open your heart and trust God, you will feel the presence of your angel very close to you, the energy will be different.