Powerful prayer to say goodbye to June and the first half of the year

Powerful prayer to say goodbye to June and the first half of the year

We are closing June and we have to do it on the right foot, saying goodbye giving thanks for all the good things that happened and also for how strong it made us.

We are already closing another month, and what better way to say goodbye to June than by giving thanks for all the blessings received, that is why we share this powerful prayer to say goodbye to the sixth month of this 2022, but we must also take the opportunity to put a finishing touch to the first half of the year, thank you for reaching this point alive, with health, with work and with a united family.

Today is not just any day, we are living the last day of June and we must say goodbye to this month with great humility and recognizing all the good and even the bad that happened throughout its 30 days, we are also closing the first half of the year , and at a time when the pandemic continues to plague and affect families, we must thank them with a prayer for continuing to stand.

Remember that Heavenly Father wants to hear from you and talk to you, and what better way to connect with him than by praying, when you pray, he listens and always has an answer for you through thoughts, feelings, hunches and through other people’s actions , but today do not ask him for anything in particular, this day raise your prayer but to thank him for his kindness, his care and his immense love.

Powerful prayer to say goodbye to June and the first half of the year. Photo: Pixabay

Beloved Heavenly Father, today June comes to an end and with that also the first half of the year 2022, that is why with all my heart and with my soul given to you with much love and devotion, I prostrate before you to give you Thank you for each of the blessings you poured out on my family, on my home and on me, not only in this sixth month, but also from January to here.

I thank you my Father because you did not forget to wake me up, because you did not leave me without eating for a single day, because my work was not lacking, because I always had a roof over my head, because you kept my family standing, and although difficulties were not absent, you filled me of faith so that I would not give up and show myself as your faithful warrior, you gave me the strength to get up from every obstacle.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your infinite mercy and for your grace that sustained me, thank you dear God for allowing me to reach the end of this month of June and this end of the first half of the year with good, thank you for taking care of me and my loved ones. I also ask your forgiveness if at any time during these six months that are ending I have unintentionally defrauded you or offended you.

Today my Lord, I ask your forgiveness if I did not love with your same love, if I did not act under your teachings, forgive my mistakes and help me to repair what I did wrong, meanwhile, all that I did well I offer for your glory, forgive my mistakes and help me to hold on to your hand so that I don’t go wrong again and I don’t walk away from you for a single moment.

Eternal Father, I also dare to ask for your help and guidance in the new month and the second half of the year 2022 that is about to begin, please take me by the hand and lead me with love along paths of happiness, success and prosperity, allow me the grace to be wise and fair and thus be able to move forward with determination towards my dreams and goals, it is you who takes care of me, who I trust, who guides me and who protects me. Do your will with me. Amen.

You can also light a white candle as a token of your gratitude for this month of June and for the first half of the year, or place a bouquet of flowers. Pray at noon, but do it from the depths of your heart and with great faith.