Signs That Your Body Has High Acid Levels

Signs That Your Body Has High Acid Levels

Some of the symptoms that you experience such as back pain or very nervous may be due to the high levels of acidity in your body, what happens?

When we talk about acidity in the body we refer to pH a measure of acidity or alkalinity and the levels of this in our blood whose normality should be between 7.35 and 7.45, a body with a high pH is not able to perform functions correctly and you will soon see some aspects of your health diminished.

Acidity in a human body can worsen because to neutralize the pH, the body takes alkalizing minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, deposited mainly in the bones, joints and teeth, which makes them weak worryingly.

How do you know that your body has heartburn? And most importantly, what can you do to level it so that it fulfills its functions correctly? We give you some signs to be alert , as well as some solutions that you can implement in your lifestyle to normalize your pH or acidity.

Signs that your body has high levels of acidity. Photo: Pexels

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You are overweight . By having heartburn, the body produces more insulin and therefore more fat, thereby gaining more kilos, heartburn may be that factor that prevents you from losing weight despite your efforts to do so.

Sensitivity in the teeth . Because to normalize the pH, the body takes alkalizing minerals from parts such as teeth that are rich in calcium, you may be experiencing this sensitivity, cavities can also be due to acidity

Signs that your body has high levels of acidity. Photo: Pexels

Sleep problems The lack of calcium due to the use of mineral reserves to control pH, can also affect sleep, so you can have insomnia problems, sleep badly or dawn without rest.

Nervous problems With all these ailments derived from the lack of alkalizing minerals, it is not strange that nervous problems appear in your body.

Signs that your body has high levels of acidity. Photo: Pexels

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Some of the solutions that are contemplated are to drink a lot of water, sleep more, exercise and reduce alcohol, coffee, soft drinks, meat and other foods whose acidity is very high, also, change them for alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables, in addition to lead an alkaline lifestyle, which helps you control the pH levels in your body.