Signs To Detect If Your Dog Is Cold And How To Help It Stay Warm

Signs To Detect If Your Dog Is Cold And How To Help It Stay Warm

When the winter season arrives, children and older adults suffer a lot from viral diseases, but your dogs do too, so don’t leave them alone, help them so that they can stay warm most of the time

Now that winter begins to make its appearances, not only human beings suffer from this change in climate that manifests itself with sneezing, flu, allergies and viral infections, dogs also suffer, however, we tend to ignore them because they do not speak to us; however, it is your responsibility to detect it early and help it stay warm.

Although it is true, the fur of our pets could be their best defense weapon against the cold, so one of the most common mistakes is to cut their hair a couple of months before the harsh winter attacks, but also not all dogs have thick fur to help them, so we have to resort to other strategies.

Sometimes we come to believe that if instead of having them in the patio we let them enter the rooms, the problem will be solved; However, the ground usually gets quite icy, and the fur becomes insufficient then, so it is necessary to do something more to lessen its impact, because if you cannot bear the cold, what makes you think that they can may?

To know if your puppy is cold, it is essential to know the breed, age and size, since they are factors that determine its ability to endure with respect to low temperatures, and very similar to how it happens with people, are puppies and older dogs suffer the most, since their ability to regulate their body temperature is not very effective.

And just as people shiver from the cold, so do dogs, so it is common to see them that while they are lying down, their back legs begin to shake, that is a clear indication that they are getting cold, so you should avoid taking them out for a walk at the first and last hour of the day, since then you will be making them suffer more.

Another indication to know if your dog is feeling cold is when he sleeps more than necessary, has it happened to you that when it is very cold you do not want to get out of bed? since the same thing happens in them, it may also be that they are more tired or that they make slow and clumsy movements.

And finally, if you see that their nose is dry, then you already know that your pet does not tolerate low temperatures, what can be done to help them? First of all, you should keep their fur long, since this is their main defense method, you can also put some blankets on the ground so that they lie in the warm, leave them indoors and not take them out to the patio, you can even buy a A pair of warm fabrics to make them like pillows and that they enjoy as a kind of bed, do not take them out in times of rain and avoid that the fans are directly towards them, oh and an excellent tip, hugging them also works!