They wanted to charge him excess baggage and he put on the clothes in the suitcase

They wanted to charge him excess baggage and he put on the clothes in the suitcase

The influencer Santiago Torre Walsh, better known as Sir Chandler, captured the exact moment in which a passenger put on all the clothes in his suitcase so as not to pay for his luggage

The story of a young man who refused to pay for his luggage and decided to wear all the clothes in the suitcase to avoid covering the cost has gone viral. In fact, the influencer Santiago Torre Walsh, better known as Mr. Chandler, witnessed this situation that he decided to name "Onion Moment".

The influencer who has defined himself as a creator of travel and tourism content has thus described the situation he experienced at the Ezeiza International Airport , when a passenger of Colombian nationality was about to board a flight to his country of origin when They wanted to charge him an extra for excess baggage.

As he is used to filming everything that happens in airports, Sir Chandler did not hesitate to record everything that was happening on video, he uploaded it to his social networks and his website , making the clip go viral in a short time.

"Passenger is putting on clothes to reduce the weight of the bag … at check-in now at Ezeiza. Flight to Bogota," was the message that Torre Walsh shared on his Twitter account , practically at the exact moment they were events happening.

In said travel blog, the travel specialist mentioned that, beyond the curiosity that the swaddling took place in front of the airline’s boarding counter and could have been seen live and direct by other passengers, the one who warmer than normal is something that happens frequently.

How many times have we seen photos of people with more clothes than ‘normal’ to get on a plane… and thus avoid a surcharge for extra weight or whatever

And he mentioned that a young man had experienced it firsthand: "Well, that’s what happened this morning in Ezeiza, on one of the Viva Air flights. And it was recorded here in this video," he mentioned.

And true to his style of always trying to provide some kind of help to all travelers and tourists, Sir Chandler completed his post with a recommendation.

I understand that in this case the passenger had a 12-kilo bag and it went too far, so ALWAYS REMEMBER with low cost and in general with all those that charge luggage, to BUY WHAT YOU REALLY NEED FROM ONE or even give yourself a margin. .. because then it is more expensive (or hotter)

As if that weren’t enough, he replied to a user who suggested that everything could be solved with "a bag and put everything that goes in", giving him another useful piece of information:

Not because they charge you extra. just a backpack

It should be noted that Viva Air is a Colombian low cost airline that has been operating for 10 years and recently began flying the route between Buenos Aires and Bogotá.