Things You Should Avoid Doing If You Want To Be Friends With Your Ex

Things You Should Avoid Doing If You Want To Be Friends With Your Ex

These are the things you should avoid doing if you want to keep in touch with your ex and have a friendship that will last forever and even be a couple again

Although many experts recommend that when a relationship ends each member go their separate ways at least for a considerable time, those who decide to continue having contact are respected, so you should know the things you should avoid doing if you want to be friends with your ex partner.

Without a doubt, that person is of the utmost importance in your life, so it is normal that you want him to continue in it even after the breakup has occurred. However, you must establish certain limits to achieve a healthy friendship. Among them are the things you should avoid doing if you want to be friends with your ex.

Do not give him his space: It will not be easy for you to stop talking to someone who was present in the most important moments of your life, however when what you want is to regain your friendship, you need a little time. Many couples make the mistake of not giving themselves enough space, a serious mistake! The fear of losing contact and distancing themselves too much will have serious consequences.

Things to avoid doing if you want to be friends with your ex. Photo: Unsplash

Remember that you need to heal, forgive and overcome and that fear is never a good counselor. You need to spend some time alone that will help you grow and overcome the breakup, which will help you maintain a healthy relationship with your ex.

If you do not walk away you will not give him the opportunity to miss you, but quite the opposite, if you are always present he will hallucinate you.

Trying to recover the relationship without communicating it clearly: It is very sad to see how several couples end up all the time and then get back together, when they both know that the relationship cannot be fixed. Sometimes you have to accept that it is best to go your separate ways.

If you are taking that friendship, as a pretext to return at the slightest opportunity. If this is your case and you feel that temptation all the time, I am afraid to tell you that you are not ready to be friends with your ex.

Have casual sex: This is one of the super thin lines you should never cross. Having relationships will cause feelings to creep in again, which will ruin your plan to just be friends with your ex. With this situation you will only make him love you as a lover, but never as a girlfriend.

Living in the past: As much as it hurts, you must move on and leave the past behind. You cannot achieve a healthy friendship if you continue to focus on everything that was and may not happen again. If you are remembering all the time the moments you spent in your courtship, you are not ready to be friends with your ex.

Share all your intimate secrets: Whatever the goal you talk about even your darkest secrets and small details of your life, believe me you will achieve the opposite. Your ex may be a good counselor, but he doesn’t have to be your closest confessor. It is not healthy at all for you to talk to him about things that if you were a couple you probably would not have done it.

Share details of your ex with others: It is one of the main rules that exist within a friendship, not to share with others the secrets that exist between the two of you. Do not tell anyone about your relationship with your ex, what are their fears, insecurities and much less about how they were at home. Remember that friends do not share their secrets with other friends.