Who is to blame in an infidelity, the lover or the husband?

Who is to blame in an infidelity, the lover or the husband?

When we talk about infidelities, do we take sides with one of those involved and begin to question who was to blame, the husband or the lover?

You found out that your partner was unfaithful to you, it is a very painful moment and to a certain extent, you are in an attitude in which you do not want to see anyone, you think about many things and you wonder whose fault it is? The answer includes a part where it tells you that it’s not yours, so was it the lover or the husband?

If your conclusion is that it was the lover , stop for a second to think if it’s okay to blame her, unless your partner cheated on you with your best friend, you don’t know the circumstances that led her to get involved with a married man, she fell in love Of him, he did not know that he had another family, he remembers that in sin he already carries penance, he knows that he made a mistake and perhaps he will pay for it more than once.

We are not saying that they are never to blame, but if he is responsible, he is the one who carries the least blame of the two , it will also depend on the contexts in which the infidelity took place, the woman may have pushed him into her arms without caring that If he were married, he doesn’t like you and it’s revenge, thousands of things you can think of.

Was it your husband’s fault then? To a great extent yes, he is the one who is most to blame of all those involved and here is why, to begin with he married making an oath of fidelity and respect to you and his love and instead of that he lied to you, he got involved with another woman, broke her oath and in the process ended all trust and love.

Who is to blame in an infidelity, the lover or the husband? Photo: Unsplash
Who is to blame in an infidelity, the lover or the husband? Photo: Unsplash

Your husband had to be faithful to you, he had to tell you that the relationship was cooling down so that between the two of you they could find a solution, he shouldn’t have looked outside the home for what he needed, he should have respected how sacred his marriage or union was , his family in case you have children and simply and simply, you didn’t.

Don’t blame yourself because your husband or partner didn’t know how to respect your relationship, don’t blame yourself if he looked for another woman, don’t blame yourself for not knowing how to retain him; remember that the decisions we make as a couple are not made individually, that every action has a reaction and that sometimes other people can also be victims.

If someone is to blame, it is your partner, for forgetting that with you he had everything, for breaking up the family he had and incidentally for involving a person who perhaps also used deceit, free yourself from guilt and live your life again, recover, rediscover yourself and be very happy again as you want and with whom you prefer.