Why a woman has only male children

Why a woman has only male children

Women get pregnant up to three times in a row to have a girl, they are disappointed when they are told that their blessing is another man, we share some of the reasons why a woman has only male children

Many women in the world only have male children, they try everything, but it just does not happen, there are those who have 5 children with the hope that the girl will come out and nothing, it is when they ask themselves why do I only have male children?

Many women who have only males wonder if they are the ones who determine the sex of the baby, but science has shown that it is a man who determines it, in sperm there are XY gametes, while in the woman’s ovules it is XX . When joining, the woman contributes an X and the man an X to become a girl, or a Y to become a boy.

Many men ignore this data, and believe that it is a consequence of the woman’s body, but advances in science have discovered that the man who determines the sex of the baby is the man.

However, when a woman is pregnant and has the illusion that she is a girl, in the end what matters most to them is that the baby comes well, without malformations or any congenital disease.

It usually happens that entire families have only boys and you should know that there are other important reasons why a woman has only boys, and not girls, take them into account:

Damage to sperm: Sometimes the embryos that come from sperm that carry Gamete X are usually weak and do not survive, which is why many times those who reach the goal are male sperm.

Although according to science, female sperm are more resistant and stronger than male sperm, they are known to survive longer until ovulation occurs.

There are some theories without scientific basis that say it works so that you can determine the sex of the baby, such as the special positions to make love, or the special day to do it, the feeding etc.

Now, what is legal in some countries is the selection of sperm to choose the strongest, carry the female or male germ cell and proceed to artificial insemination. In this way the sex of the baby is selected correctly.

Also the other technique is to do an In vitro insemination, the embryos of the sex you want are chosen, but these must be strong, that they do not have any disease.