Why Does My Ex Ignore My WhatsApp Messages

Why Does My Ex Ignore My WhatsApp Messages

If you are trying to contact your ex partner to solve the problems and he does not respond to your WhatsApp messages, you must know the reason, it might surprise you. Why is he not answering his cell phone?

If you have wondered why your ex ignores my WhatsApp messages ? In IN COUPLE we gave ourselves to the task of investigating the reasons and here you have them, you will be surprised why he does not answer his cell phone or the messages.

Don’t reply to messages because your ex is dating someone else . If your ex already has another relationship, it will be reason enough not to reply to a single WhatsApp message. Your ex considers you part of his past and if he is trying to continue his life as you should too. For your ex what was in his time is behind him and now is in another chapter.

Your ex ignores you because you disappointed him . One of the most common causes that your ex does not answer calls or messages is because he was very disappointed in the relationship and his way of expressing it is by ignoring it. In this one he could almost ignore you to teach you a lesson or in the form of revenge.

He does not reply to your WhatsApp messages because he has another partner.

WhatsApp does not respond because he does not want to argue . If your ex-partner has ignored you when you are trying to explain to him to return and you have no answer, it is because he does not want to argue and thinks that if he answers things they will not end at all well, if that is your case it is better that you calm down and Wait a reasonable amount of time to communicate with your ex.

Your ex does not reply to messages because you have had enough . If you are one of the people who insist, over and over and over again with messages and hundreds of calls, surely he does not answer you because he feels tired and harassed, perhaps that was the reason why he decided to move away, if your ex is interested, he hopes that Call you or have your ex be the one to send that message.

Your ex is busy. Perhaps you are communicating with your ex at a time when he is busy, reason enough not to answer you, he can do it later, although we do not deny that between the hustle we forget but if after days and you realize that he read it and ignored you then if something happens .